How to Dominate Your Goals in the Electrical Business?
In this article, I would like to point out five steps to maximise and dominate your electrical business goals. Josh Horneman discussed these steps during one of our Electrical Success Academy podcasts. And if you want to watch the video version, we would love to have you onboard on our academy. I hope that by the end of the article you sign up to learn more about the electrical industry and to perform at high level, every day.
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Goal Domination 1 - Maxing Your Goals
When you are about to set a goal, you need to fully understand what you want to achieve -- It has to be in line with your career and life. It should be in sync with your goals.
It has to be something that you are passionate about. You need to be motivated and excited about the goals, too. Lastly, it has to be YOURS. Because, how will you find the motivation to achieve your goal if it isn’t yours? So it has to come from you for you.
Do not be a passive victim. You need to take control of yourself, in whatever situation you are in. It will help you to create the life you want.
You need to set realistic and achievable goals, per your output. I mean, it is not feasible to lose 10 kg in a week, but you can break this goal into smaller, achievable bits. Likewise, when you set out to gain more customers, do not aim at converting 50 customers a day, it has to be in sync with your time and lead generation list.
When you set your goals, they should be personal. So, do not look at other people to set your goals as it is a negative influence. Rather set your goals after looking at your achievements, dreams, and circumstances. Only you know what already works for you and what you can make work for you. Thus it will help you to set achievable targets. While it is good to set high-level goals but if you don’t reach your 10x goal it is not the end of the world.
Collective goals might not be the thing for you because you might be at a different place in your journey as compared to others. Setting a collective goal might not be what you need at that time. When you understand yourself, you will understand who you are. Be aware of who you are and what you are capable of achieving.
It is important to know your responsibilities and fulfil them before you set a new goal. Sometimes a goal can distract you from your responsibilities. I remember that I got so sucked into the competitive world of triathlons that sometimes my business suffered because I was not able to give it the dedicated amount of time.
Goal Domination 2 - Steps & Actions
To make your goal your reality, you need to take physical and real actions daily, weekly, and monthly.
For example, if you are targeting at Instagram growth. You need to do the same thing at right time, interact with the community, and post interesting and relevant things at a specific prime time. The thing is, you don’t have to stop at strategy, but you need to go ahead and implement the steps, daily.
In contrast, when you don’t have set step of actions, you won’t do anything. And you will also feel lost because you wouldn’t know what to do next. So you need to clearly define the things you should do to get to your end goal.
“Without a set step of actions, your goals are just hopes.”
You can set a strategy for what you want to achieve. Do not just hope.
When you set a goal for your business growth and development, trust your knowledge and confidence that the things you are about to do and the actions you are about to take are going to be right ones. You are an expert in your business so you need to trust your instincts. On the personal front, you can also use goal domination strategy for your new year resolutions, too.
When you write down your action plan, you need to understand the time commitment associated with the action so you really understand the benefits. You can also write about:
Resources - What do I need to achieve my goals?
Location - Where will I need to be?
Power hours - Uninterrupted time towards achieving your goals.
Workspace -- Where am I the most focused and motivated?
You need to find productivity hacks that work for you, gain momentum, and turn off your notifications. Josh likes to invoice at night because there is no disturbance. You can choose a time of the day that works best for your goals.
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