How Managers Can Help Your Electrical Business?

The difference between efficiency and effectiveness is -- Efficient managers reduce cost whereas effective managers help you to get desired and actionable results. Thus when you have an effective manager on your team, you have got to really nurture them. 

Management consultant James A. Koroma writes “conscious and conscientious development of competent caring leaders is critical to organizational survival” in today’s global business environment.

All this is good. But how does hiring a manager impact the productivity of your electrical business and why do you need one. Let’s address a few points that you might be concerned about!

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When Do You Need A Manager For Your Electrical Business

When you see red flags in your business, such as:

  • You are continuously running short on time.

  • You need to dedicate more hours to growth and strategy.

  • More mistakes are being made and recorrected than the actual work.

  • You feel overwhelmed.

Well, you have reached a saturation point as an electrical business owner, and it’s time to hire a manager! In a QuickSprout blog post, Neil Patel suggests that hiring and training junior talent, who can someday be your successor, might be one of the crucial steps of building a company that can function and scale without you. To build such a company, you can use Jim Collins’ “Hedgehog Concept” --


What are you really good at? (Hint: Work in that field)

  1. What are you passionate about?

  2. How will you make money out of it?

If your electrical business answers the above three question, congrats -- you have got a winning business -- profitable work that you are proficient in and passionate about! That’s awesome.

But before you set out to hire your manager, you have to make sure that:

  • You have a well-defined vision for your business.

  • Your business will be sustainable in the long-term.

  • You have systems and processes in place which will help your business be more functional.

  • You have a clearly defined role for your manager.

Hiring Your Own Manager


In an article titled ‘The impact of managers on workplace engagement and productivity,’ James Foster writes, “We all know the mantra: people leave managers, not companies.” Thus it is a really important position in your company, one that can not only increase performance and productivity but also maintain a high employee retention and satisfaction rate. So, you have to do right by it.

Now that you are about to hire a manager, you have to hire on the basis of company fit, personality, their track record, and the skills they bring to your company.

When you post a job, you have got to take into consideration that your potential candidates may be more interested in the benefits and perks of the job than just money. So make sure to list it out, but you also have to list challenges of the job. This will ensure that lazy people won’t apply and you will end up with a winner on your team.

You can also ask the applicants to include a short introductory video and to complete a few specific tasks. At the end of the job post, make sure to clarify a probationary period, because it might be a few trial and errors before you find the right manager for your company.

So, are you ready to hire an absolutely amazing manager for your electrical contracting business? Do share your plan with us!

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