The Importance of Scheduling for Electricians
As an electrician, you have got to come to terms with the fact that your schedule is always going to be demanding and jam-packed. Time is going to be a crucial component of your job performance and then there will be the pressure to ensure that the electrical work you do also meets the standards and practises to ensure your customer’s safety. Are you feeling pressured already?
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On the job, you should put in an effort to communicate to make better connections and for more sales. I believe that you also get an opportunity to make more friends.
Thus, it’s a win for you, you get a good review and feel happy about the job environment. It’s a win for the company because you are being productive and increasing their goodwill in the business. Most importantly, it is a win for the customer because they are benefitting out of your service.
You can go wrong with the above things if you let the schedule stress you out. You have got to befriend stress, because a scientific study has shown that stress can be bad for you only if you believe it to be bad, and it is one of the leading causes of death!
So, do NOT let your schedule pressure you.
What you can do is always think about the present job. Be totally focused on it. Be mentally present, and give your 100% to the task at the hand.
If you feel like a lion is chasing you to eat you up, you won't stop and connect with anyone. So, you have to manage the stress first. Take control of your schedule. Here are a few tips to structure your day productively:
Plan and think about your whole day.
Make a to-do list along with your job notes.
Prioritise the tasks according to their importance.
Whenever you feel stuck on a job or feel overwhelmed with your schedule, you have got to communicate right away with the office. The team helps each other to not be stressed.
The schedule can be manipulated into the emotion you want it to be. If you think it is daunting, you will feel tired, anxious, and worried. On the other hand, if you feel that it is something you can tackle, you will feel positive, enthusiastic, and energetic about the work.
However, if you are lagging, you can always reset the schedule and tell the office, too. The aim is to deliver professional services so don’t rush through a job that needs your more time. You can communicate the same with the customer and the office, fix the error and reset the day.
The most important scheduling tip is:
“Control your schedule, don’t let it control you.”
I look forward to having you on our electricians success academy to discuss more such awesome tips, tricks, and methods to help you improve performance, career, and life!
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