Four Tips To Make Sure You Land Almost Every Job You Quote

Looking for new ways to step up your marketing game? Check out these techniques for maximising your leads and conversions.

Before Andrew came to the Electricians Success Academy, he’d struggled to get his business off the ground. He zigged and zagged for three years, subcontracting to bigger businesses.

He earned barely enough to get by at that time. And it’s only when he could find some extra hours that he’d focus on growing his business.

As you can imagine, Andrew’s business wasn’t doing very well. Whenever a potential customer rejected a quote, he would take it personally. He’d just always feel like he was doing something wrong.

Around a year ago, he decided to join the Electricians Success Academy. And this is when his business finally pivoted in the right direction.

In Andrew’s words:

‘Now I’m landing almost every job I quote. I know I’m making a profit and maximising every opportunity I get. My family life has improved so much thanks to understanding where my business is and not having to stress about where my next payment is coming from.’

Many things contributed to Andrew’s current success, with marketing one of the keys.

Electricians should know what it takes to create a stable and abundant stream of leads. If you’re not sure where to start, you’re about to learn what it takes in this article.

Tip #1. Understand Your Audience

Before you put any effort into marketing, you must first nail down your target audience. This is the foundation of every strategy. If you don’t get it right, everything you try to build on it will collapse.

You see, what you put your energy into will often grow and expand. So if you keep targeting the people who are only looking for low prices and discounts, you’ll invite more of such clients to your business.

You’ll get a reputation as someone who’s willing to work with these nightmare clients. Make no mistake, getting out of this mess can be very tough.

Because of this, you should create your ideal customer profile. Every business may have a different profile. In effect, you’ll have to find a customer persona that makes sense for you.

With this out of the way, you’ll be able to charge what you’re worth and do your best work. You can foster loyalty in your niche, which will support your business’ long-term growth.

Tip #2. Make People Aware of You

Do you know that feeling where you might not be into a song after hearing it for the first time? But the more you hear it, the more you start to like it. And at a certain point, it might become one of your favourites.

Well, this is exactly how building awareness works. You need to make people aware of you so that you can nurture them as a lead until they’re ready to work with you.

Now, there are a few ways in which people can become aware of you. Some of these are more suitable for complete strangers and cold leads. These include using social media, like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. You can target those who may have an interest in what you have to offer to position yourself in front of them.

Other channels can work incredibly well, assuming that someone is already in need of an electrician. For example, many people believe that referrals are the best way to get new clients. But this is only true if the person already needs your services.

The same goes for Google ads. You can target specific groups of people based on their online behaviour and interest. This means that someone needs to look for an electrician before they can be suitable for targeting.

Every business would have a specific strategy involving a certain set of channels. When you understand your audience, you can find those that suit your business.

Tip #3. Know the Three Factors of Effective Campaigns

Once you’ve found your target audience and the channels for reaching them, it’s time to launch campaigns.

When you do that, you need to remember the three qualities that make a campaign effective:

  • Consistent

  • Personal

  • Overtime

Really get to know your audience and show that you can relate to them. This is how you build a personal connection that will make them more likely to work with you.

More often than not, this isn’t an issue. The problem arises with consistency, or the lack thereof. 

You launch a campaign and you get busy, at which point you stop pushing out consistent marketing messages. Your leads go cold and forget about you. And so, many people don’t even get a chance to become aware of you.

Another common issue happens if you’re not organised. In this case, you don’t nurture the relationship for long enough. You might stop trying to reach out, which again makes people forget about you.

To truly dominate your marketing, you must have all of the three things in place. If so, I guarantee you’ll get a ton of work.

Tip #4. Always Follow Up

When someone becomes aware of you through your campaigns, they’ll start to consider working with you. But this is far from enough to actually land them as clients. And if you just leave it up to them, you can expect many of the leads to go cold at some point.

This is why you need a solid follow-up system. You want to make this consideration phase easy for your prospects. 

You don’t want to leave the idea of working with you there to simply pop in and out of their heads. Instead, you want to keep reminding them of your business. In this way, you can guide them towards the final buying decision.

You can do this in a number of ways. For example, you can follow up via phone, email, social media, and more. If you’re consistent, the chances of closing the deal will skyrocket.

Let Your Prospects Find You

Marketing is the lifeblood of your business. Without marketing, there’s no way to position yourself in the market and keep expanding your client base.

Now that you know what it takes to market effectively, you might want to go ahead and apply these steps. When you see the result, you’ll see that it was well worth your time and effort.

Better yet, you don’t have to do it alone. 

If you want to join a community of electricians on their way to amazing success, join our Facebook group. And if you want to learn more about marketing and other aspects of growing your business, download our free book.


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How to grow your Electrical business - 4 tips that work.