What skill set do I need in order to become an Electrician?

Considering becoming an electrician is a great move. Not only is electrical work a well sought after job for both residential and commercial purposes, being an experienced electrician enables you to earn you a great income!

If you're considering becoming an electrician and want to run your own electrical business, there are some important things you need to know first. 

You need to be licensed

If you think by choosing a trade you're getting away from the books, think again! Becoming an electrician means on the job training for roughly 4 years as an apprentice and also requires you to pass a number of exams to get your official license. Without a licence you won’t be able to trade as an Electrician.  

Consider picking a specialty 

While training to become an electrician you’ll pick up many practical skills and be exposed to one or maybe multiple businesses’ electrical companies along the way. While some businesses work primarily for commercial purposes, others work purely residential. If your interested in starting your own electrical business, it is important to establish your specialty based on your experience, knowledge and what you enjoy. 

Committed to learning about business functionality 

There’s no question about it - if you want to own your own business you need to know more than just your trade. There are many other facets beyond your trade that go into running a successful business, so you will also need to be prepared to be taking on the extra responsibility when it comes to running your business. 

When you become a business owner, even if you're a sole entity, you’ll need to focus on management skills. You’ll need to be on top of managing your books, time, jobs and customers. 

How you acquire your work will also be something you need to consider. 

You can always invest into your business by hiring a bookkeeper, outsourcing marketing to make this process easier for you, however this requires some cost. 

Running your own business is definitely attainable, however, if you don't know where to start or what to consider you may even want to invest in a business mentor to guide you to success. 

You need good communication skills

Having good communication skills can be your best asset to acquiring new and consistent work. Sometimes being an expert in your electrical field is not enough for customers to hire you as their electrician - you need to be able to talk the talk as well as walk the walk. 

Communication matters on a multitude of levels. It can in fact be the difference between a good electrical business that earns decent cashflow or a great electrical business that turns flooding amounts of revenue. 

Your voice is an essential asset to your business and enables you to establish your expertise as a great electrician that customers are yearning to hire.

If you're looking into starting your own electrical business and don’t know where to start, save some time by contacting the professionals at Electricians Success Academy. Electricians Success Academy world class business experts who know everything about building and growing successful electrical businesses.  Our business growth solutions are designed to help aspiring business owners maximise their time and conquer business in their field. Contact a mentor today to get your advantage !


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