ESA TV: The Innovative and Energetic Approach of Greg Allan
In this podcast, ESA Founder Greg Allan talks with Jade Green on her Barrels and Business Podcast. They discuss the cutting edge social media and business strategy Greg used to explode multiple businesses. The interview also delves into Greg’s personal challenges, and how he overcame them.
In this episode, ESA Founder Greg Allan talks with Jade Green on her Barrels and Business Podcast. This inspirational conversation not only explores the cutting edge social media and business strategy Greg used to explode multiple businesses, but also delves into Greg’s personal challenges, and how he overcame them in the face of stress, personal struggles, and imbalance.
ESA TV: Electrical Industry Opportunities with Victoria's New Rental Legislation
In this podcast, ESA Supercoach Kirk Neal hosts an expert panel discussing the recent Rental Legislation changes in Victoria. With 857 000 rental properties in the state, the potential for electricians to create new business is huge. Check out this episode to learn what these changes mean for Victorian electricians.
In this podcast, ESA Supercoach Kirk Neal hosts an expert panel on the recent Rental Legislation changes in Victoria. With 857 000 rental properties in the state, the potential for electricians to create new business is huge. If you want to know exactly what these changes will mean for electricians, check out this episode.
ESA Supercoach Showdown: Kirk Neal
In this episode, Greg Allan interviews ESA Supercoach Kirk Neal. Kirk shares some incredible insights around building a successful electrical business, the struggles he faced, and how he got started in the industry.
In this episode, Greg Allan interviews ESA Supercoach Kirk Neal. Kirk shares some incredible insights around building a successful electrical business, the struggles he faced, and how he got started in the industry.
ESA Hot Seat: Aidan Short
Aidan Short is an ESA Peak Performer and Brisbane-based electrician. He talks about the fear he experienced leaving a cushy, high-paying job to go back to square one and pursue his dream of running his own electrical business. There were struggles, challenges and incredible success along the way.
In this episode, we chat with ESA Peak Performer Aidan Short about his journey as an electrical contractor, and member of the Electricians Success Academy. He talks about the fear of leaving a cushy, high-paying job, to go back to square one and pursue his dream of running his own electrical business. Check out Aidan’s incredible attitude, willingness to take risks, and business success!
ESA Hot Seat: Thomas Marshall
Thomas Marshall is a 21-year-old Auckland-based electrician and ESA Peak Performer. Tom shares his story of starting his Electrical Business in the middle of a Level 4 Lockdown in New Zealand, and how it has exploded beyond expectation in less than 12 months.
Thomas Marshall is a 21-year-old Auckland-based electrician and ESA Peak Performer. Tom shares his story of starting his Electrical Business in the middle of a Level 4 Lockdown in New Zealand, and how it has exploded beyond expectation in less than 12 months.
Smoke alarm regulations: What electricians should know
Our panel of electrical experts break down the latest smoke alarm regulations across every Australian state. They discuss different types of smoke alarm equipment, handling upgrades with customers, pricing, and so much more!
In this episode, our panel of electrical experts break down the latest smoke alarm regulations across every Australian state. They also discuss different types of smoke alarm equipment, how to handle smoke alarm upgrades with customers, the pricing of smoke alarms, and so much more! If you're an electrician in Australia and you want to know how the new regulations will affect your work, you don't want to miss this episode!
Biggest Lessons for Electrical Business in 2021
In our end of year Mastermind session, our ESA members recapped their biggest lessons, wins, and success strategies for 2020. They also discussed what they can implement heading into 2021 including marketing, increasing conversions, building better teams, scaling business and so much more!
In our epic end of year Mastermind session, a number of ESA members recapped their biggest lessons, wins and strategies for success for the year 2020, and discussed what they can implement heading into 2021. Our super-coaches and members discuss pricing for electrical business owners, marketing, increasing conversions, building better teams, scaling your business and so much more!
ESA Hot Seat: Brendan Marshall
Brendan Marshall is an Electrician from Naracoorte, South Australia, and ESA Peak Performer. In this Episode, Brendan discusses his inspirational life-story, financial challenges, and the way he overcame the struggles of his early electrical career to build a bigger and better business than he thought was possible.
Brendan Marshall is an Electrician from Naracoorte, South Australia, and ESA Peak Performer. In this episode, Brendan discusses his inspirational life-story, financial challenges, and the way he overcame the struggles of his early electrical career to build a bigger and better business than he thought was possible.
Life-Changing Electrical Business Tips
Electrical Business Tips And Motivation features Tim Jacobson and Greg Allan. They talk about electrician's productivity, running an electrical business, and upselling electrical service to customers. Towards the end, technical electrical questions are discussed, too.
Strategies so practical - you'll put them into practise today! Tim shares his REAL struggles of the electrical contracting business and we workshop some game-changing solutions for his electrical contractor business. We cover becoming profitable, workshopping the job, the Shopping List Pricing System and more such electrical contracting business tips!
Electrical Business Tips And Motivation - Key Take Aways
Electricians Success Academy is for electricians, electrical contractors, electrical business owners, and for everyone in the electrical industry who wants to be successful.
Define end goals and your lifestyle when you run your electrical business. You can work that much towards your goal.
Next time a customer asks for discount, think about your family. You are taking away money from your family to give a discount. Can you afford that? Is it the right thing to do?
When you reach a customer's home, the first conversation should never be about the job. Compliment them about something that you think is close to their heart and reflects their style. Break the ice!
Always upsell benefits of electrical services and upgradation to your customer is a genuine way that benefits them.
Use the Ice Breaker Principle and Shopping List Pricing Method for more profits as an electrical contractor! Sign up to our online electrical business academy for success in your life and career.
Life-Changing Electrical Business Tips & Motivation
The Magic Wizard Sales Method?
A high energy marketing episode full of impactful strategies and motivations for your electrical contracting business. Make profit and dominate your game in the electrical industry, even if you are low on work and low on funds. Are you ready to put your all into it? Let's do this!
A high energy marketing episode full of impactful strategies and motivations for your electrical contracting business. Make a profit and dominate your game in the electrical industry, even if you are low on work and low on funds. Are you ready to put your all into it? Let's do this!
A Highly Impactful Electrical Business Marketing Strategy - Key Takeaways
The way you speak has a strong impact on the type of clients you attract. Language, tonality, and sales-pitch matter when you want to target high-end client. Perception and quality matters, too!
The first phone call has to be short and then you can follow-up.
How many people open Emails from businesses in this day-and-age? So, rather use SMSCentral for sending customised follow-up/short messages. You can also include your phone number at the end of the message, if it's a message-only line.
Your marketing time should be spent wisely depending on your situation and target market.
Testing and measuring is important in Advertising, but don't wait for it to become reactive.
Remember that the more you ask, the more you get. So, do everything that you can every day and have a systematised approach to invoicing. Also, give out business cards when you meet and network.
When you provide an awesome customer service and an amazing quality of service, you should always work with people who are happy with your pricing!
A Highly Impactful Electrical Business Marketing Strategy
What!? Electricians Can Use VA's Too? - Scott Prioste
Online Electrical Business Training Preview features Greg Allan and Scott Prioste. They talk about remote work, virtual assistants, cost saving, and delegating tasks. Are you ready to use the power of the digital age to build a global, efficient, and remote team for electrical backend work?
Hott Electrics shares Online Electrical Business Course Training
Online Electrical Business Training Preview features Greg Allan and Scott Prioste. They talk about remote work, virtual assistants, cost saving, and delegating tasks for electricians and electrical contractors. Are you ready to use the power of the digital age to build a global, efficient, and remote team for electrical back end work?
Develop electrical skills of your electricians with our online electrical training course.
Key takeaways from Online Electrical Business Training Preview:
Hire efficient people for admin tasks from around the world via freelancing platforms so you can save a lot of money.
Delegate tasks that some people can do as good as you.
Free up your hours as an electrical business owner by hiring someone for a fraction of the cost.
Use performance management tools to gauge their competence and activity.
Sign up to our high-performance academy for more such Online Electrical Business Training!
Online Electrical Business Training Preview
The Difference Between Sub-Standard & Unsafe
In the safe electrical business training course, Greg Allan discusses Sub-standard and unsafe electrical work. It can lead to dangerous outcomes and thus it is important to understand the two.
In the safe electrical business training course, Greg Allan discusses Sub-standard and unsafe electrical work. It can lead to dangerous outcomes and thus it is important to understand the above two for your electrical business and for your customers' saftey. This podcast is jam-packed with electrical safety tips for electricians and electrical contractors alike. We would love to hear your thoughts on it!
Safe Electrical Business Training Course
Electrical Contractors Tips For A Work-Life Balance - Tony Arnold
Electrical Contractors Tips Podcast feature none other than Tony Arnold -- the President of Master Electricians Australia. He shares his story and insights on how to maintain a work-life balance in the electrical industry and more!
President of Master Electricians Australia shares Electrical Contractors Business Tips
Electrical Contractors Work Life Balance Podcast feature none other than Tony Arnold -- the President of Master Electricians Australia. He shares his story and insights on how to maintain a work-life balance as an electrical contractor in the electrical industry and more!
Key takeaways from Electrical Contractors Tips for work-life balance:
Don't trust someone's word, get it in writing, so that it is proof.
Employ the right people -- in your electrical business -- that are a culture fit. This will eventually help you to maintain electrical contractors work life balance in the long run.
Focus on your profits to understand the costs.
Use automation tools to manage your invoicing for your electrical contractor business.
Structure your electrical contractinghours so that you have a work-life balance.
The story of how Tony Arnold became the President of Master Electricians Australia.
Electrical Contractors Tips for work-life balance
Electrical Business Strategy - Visualise Your Future
Electrical Business Planning requires you to define your idea of success. To do this you need to visualise your future and what it looks like. Greg Allan shares how maintaining a future journal can help you to plan for success.
Thomas Birt's Electrical Business Planning Tips For A Better Future
You need to define your idea of success. NOW! To do this you can visualise your future and what it looks like. Greg Allan shares how maintaining a future journal can help you to plan for success of your electrical contracting business. Use the power of visualisation discussed in the podcast to unlock the next level in your electrical contracting career and life.
Key takeaways from Electrical Business Planning:
Thomas Birt is an electrical industry legend who has had three contracting businesses. One week before his retirement, he discussed the "Visualising your Future" technique with Greg Allan.
You need to visualise so you can PLAN for your future. Doesn’t matter if you are an electrician, electrical employee, electrical contractor, or electrical business owner.
Visualise your life when you are 60 -- What does it look like? What are you up to? Your business plan should reflect these goals, too.
When you are going through hard times you need to go back to family because it is everything.
Always get rid off the stuff that gets you off the main track. Don’t waste your time on an activity if it is not a part of your future goal. This way you can maintain your electrical contractor business plan.
Do a journal entry at your favourite place. For 10 years from now. Write in past tense as if you have already achieved things. You can implement this electrical business planning tip for your personal as well professional life.
All the electricians out there -- Are you ready to visualise your future? Leave us a comment and let us know!
Electrical Business Planning Preview
Electrical Wholesaler Advice - Ryan Veitch
Electrical Wholesaler Advice focuses on how you can leverage your wholesaler's knowledge, expertise, experience, and global power within the industry. Build a better relationship with your local store manager to reap massive rewards!
Lawrence and Hanson's award-winning store manager shares Electrical Wholesaler Advice
Learn how to maximise the value of your electrical wholesalers and leverage from their knowledge, expertise, experience and global power within the electrical industry. Build a better relationship with your local store manager to reap massive rewards which far surpass the basic transactional sense of buying electrical supplies. Ryan Veitch, award winning store manager from Lawrence and Hanson discusses what you can do to enhance the value of your electrical distributors.
Key takeaways FROM Electrical Wholesaler Advice:
You can ask your electrical wholesaler for advice on electrical products.
Build a relation with your electrical wholesaler.
When making a buying decision, you should consider quality too, not just price.
Pick and choose the electrical industry events you support.
Your electrical wholesaler can advice you about -- social media, uniforms, service; and thus increase your efficiency.
Give feedback to your electrical wholesaler so they can implement your points and improve their service.
Electrical Wholesaler Advice
Electrical Business Hiring Advice - Shane Lockland
Electrical Business Hiring Advice solves the confusion between what electricians believe companies want and what they ACTUALLY want. It is packed with golden information for all levels in the industry whether you are an electrical worker, sole trader, or electrical employer.
Shane Lockland shares Electrical Business Hiring Advice
This is absolutely a MUST WATCH episode for everyone in our electrical industry. There is a lot of confusion between what electricians believe companies want from them opposed to what they ACTUALLY want. This is packed with golden information for all levels in the industry whether you are an electrical worker, electrical contractor, sole trader or electrical employer.
Key takeaways FROM Electrical Business Hiring Advice:
Repeat customers will lead to more customers because they like your work.
Healthy lifestyle affects your mind, fitness, and clarity as an electrician.
Document the processes and ensure that all the electrical contractors follow admin work for a systemic organisation. This is great electrical business hiring advice to increase efficiency.
Training your team of electricians helps you to get feedback from the team.
A team huddle environment means that you hang out with your team once in a while.
You can have a file of ready-to-hire people by interviewing people for electrician jobs on a regular basis.
Focus on one thing when you engage in the electrical contracting business.
Electrical Business Hiring Advice
Electrical Contracting Financial Tips
Electrical Contracting Financial Tips can save your electrical business from bankruptcy. You may need to watch it a couple of times but the value and methodology shared is invaluable. We often dream big and hope for good things to happen to us as business owners but find ourselves stuck.
Troy Smith shares Electrical Contracting Financial Tips to Reverse Engineer Your P&L
This information may just save you and your electrical business from bankruptcy. You may need to watch it a couple of times but the value and methodology shared is invaluable. We electrical contractors often dream big and hope for good things to happen to us as electrical business owners but find ourselves stuck in financial difficulties too often and usually because there was no real electrical financial plan in place.
Strategic financial planning for electrical businesses is especially important but many electricians don't do it whatsoever. Make sure you take the time to follow the steps and protect yourself from failure from improper planning! Accelerate your electrical contracting business by using the strategy discussed in the podcast.
KEY TAKEAWAYS from Electrical Contracting Financial Tips:
“The way to turn a dream into a goal is to make it time based.”
Start with your end in mind.
What do you want to achieve as an electrical contractor? Reverse engineer what you want to achieve.
Once you know your P&L figures, you have to figure out: Where does the money come from?
Create your electrical contracting financial plan and put it into action.
Always measure, track, or recognise your electrical contracting financial plan.
Electrical Contracting Financial Tips
Electrical Contracting Business Tips & Ideas
Electrical Contracting Business Tips & Ideas tells you how Rowan Diamond has achieved success with only 4 electricians? First Call Electrical was able to get $100,000 back from a builder who wasn't paying up! Want to know how to get paid EVERY TIME, ON-TIME? Well, this episode is for you!
First Call Electrical shares Electrical Contracting Business Tips & Ideas
Success with only 4 electricians? How does he do this? ...and you wait till you hear how Rowan Diamond from First Call Electrical was able to get $100,000 back from a builder who wasn't paying up! Want to know how to get paid EVERY TIME, ON-TIME and keep the cash flowing in your electrical contracting business? Well this episode is for you! It will help you achieve success as an electrical contractor.
Key takeaways FROM Electrical Contracting Business Tips & Ideas:
Rowan Diamond made a mistake in his electrical business, which compounded and began a problem, and then became the biggest challenge. He didn't check out the person's credit history before doing a lot of work for him. And the person didn't pay.
Make sure your customer has read and signed T&Cs. It is solid gold to have it signed on paper with ink. Just one of the useful electrical contracting business tips & ideas you can use every day to make sure that the customers pay.
Spread sheets and paper invoices have more room for error. All electrical contractors can automate it with Myob and Xero.
Make sure that your customer is the priority. Customers should be happy. Communication with the customers is 100% critical.
Conduct practical, role-based interviews with test questions and hidden challenges.
Mentors cost a lot of money. But they help you to learn a lot of valuable electrical lessons and you earn a lot out of it, eventually.
Electrical Contracting Business Ideas & Tips
Electrical Contracting Business Strategic Planning
Electrical Contracting Business Strategic Planning features Josh Horneman, a serial entrepreneur, who is a master in strategic planning for success. He coaches business people to ensure they stay on track. Learn how to dominate your electrical business though planning!
Josh Horneman Shares Electrical Contracting Business Strategic Planning Method
Josh Horneman is a serial entrepreneur who's a master in strategic planning for electrical contracting business success. He coaches business people to ensure they stay on track with what is important and minimise wasted time through lack of distraction. Learn how to dominate as an electrical contractor this year through proper planning. Are you ready to implement this business plan and marketing plan for your electrical services growth?
Key Takeaways from Electrical Contracting Business Strategic Planning:
Make sure what you want to achieve. Let it be in sync with your goals. Be passionate about it. Be motivated. Be realistic. It has to be yours.
To make a goal your reality take actions daily per your electrical contracting business strategic planning.
Some people are self-motivated, while most people need external checks and accountability. So this is very critical part of goal setting process.
Accountability buddy -- For more motivation, inspiration, and daily checks. It has got to be at the start.
Self-motivated people write down their goals, so they hold themselves accountable.
Visualisation technique: Drawn your vision on white-board or paper.
Small increments will make the big things (success) happen.
Habit creation: If you want to increase the number of customers/sales, you need to do it regularly. Make it a way of life. 30 days repeatedly. It becomes a part of daily life.
Idea Bubble: When you have an idea, dump it in the idea bubble. Do not let it distract you from the tasks at hand.
People tend to ignore the satisfaction that comes from achieving/doing something. Why would you not reward yourself for achieving what you have set out to do? (Example: movie, etc).
Rewards Process: Happens on the journey, not just at the end. It is a big part of motivation.
Burnout: Trying to achieve everything within a small time frame. Follow the electrical contracting business strategic planning method for optimum success.
Electrical Contracting Business Strategic Planning Tips
Electrical Contractor Business Growth & Coaching
Electrical Contractor Business Growth & Coaching with Rob Kropp will help your electrical contracting business to scale and grow! Be prepared to be inspired, motivated, and ready to grow your electrical business.
Rob Kropp shares some Electrical Contractor Business Growth & Coaching Tips
This is an incredibly insightful and informative discussion with Rob Kropp who helps electrical contracting business scale and grow without sacrificing the things that really matter in life. All electrical contractors will be inspired and motivated. Be ready to grow sustainable so you can keep doing the things you love without your electrical business ruining your relationship or your mental state. This contractor sales coach podcast can change your life, for better.
“If you always do what you have always done, then you will always get what you have gotten.”
Key Takeaways from Electrical Contractor Business Growth & Coaching:
What are the challenges and pressure of being an electrical business owner?
How to not lose connection with your family -- the most important thing -- while working?
Why do you need to develop your electrical business skills?
Become an owner of an electrical company rather than an electrician who owns a company.
Position -> person -> processes.
Have a plan and do not rush. This is a marathon not a sprint. Change and transformation takes time. It is a sequential process.
Structure your electrical contractor business growth with this coaching.
System improvement, recruit rock people in rock position, transition and delegate, leverage your time.
Electrical business owner can step back from operations and focus on other things.
Productivity and schedule is managed by the operations manager. Include sick days and time offs.
Make sure your prices are competitive. (Not expensive, or cheap). Charge what you are worth.
Build good relations with your suppliers and negotiate.
Most Businessmen stop living to make money. Break free from this life. Maintain a work-life balance.
Change your habits to go through the transition phase.